Page 7 - Spiritual Salt (Doctor Sun Simiao) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7

I’m talking about people  nding their soulmate in a matter of days of just by

                          holding this salt against their heart for a few minutes…

                          I’m talking about people getting promotions at work…just by holding this salt

                          against their heart…

                          I’m talking about stress melting like hot butter on a  ame…just by holding this salt

                          against their heart….

                          I’m talking about people getting business ideas just by holding this salt against

                          their heart…

                          I wear mine around my neck, every day… and I have literally gone from a

                          $2,000 overdraft with fees piling up every day…

                          To making over 5 million dollars every year…whilst working in my spare time

                          and doing charity work and racket ball the rest of the time…

                          I believe in fate. I see it play out every day of my life.

                          And I believe you clicked on this page for a reason…

                          And the reason is…that this is a turning point in your life.

                          A day you will never forget…

                          Because I don’t know you.

                          But I know one thing.

                                       You are in pain of one kind or another…

                          And the bigger question is…

                          If it’s this important to Him…

                          Maybe it should be important to you too…
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